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"Bringing Hope To A Broken World!"

We believe that just having a Mission and a Vision is simply not enough.  So there are four questions that we would like to answer for you that will give you a better understanding of what our Vision is for 2013 and beyond:


  • What we are planning to do this coming year, and beyond?

  • Why we are going to do it?

  • How do we plan to accomplish our Mission?

  • How do you fit in?


We intend to lead people into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  This includes reaching out to those who are lost and without Christ, as well as making Disciples of those who do know Christ.


We also intend to bring hope to broken people.  This includes reaching out to the broken and the hurting regardless of race, background, or their circumstances.


In order to accomplish this it will take all of us working together, so we have decided to focus on three directives.


#1. Practical Preaching and Teaching.  Every week we make a promise to those who attend HFWC.  Every message that we preach and teach will come directly from the Bible, it will be inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it will be relevant for the world we live in today, but this directive goes much deeper than the pulpit.  We are commanded to not only hear the Word, but to also apply it and then act on what we have heard (James1:22). Our vision is to have a group of Christ's followers who are willing to apply and live out what they have been taught every single day.


#2. Private Disciplines.  These things are not only practiced in a church building, but they must be practiced each day in our homes as well.  We have devoted ourselves to reading the Bible daily, to prayer, fasting, and giving to the work of the Kingdom as our "normal" way of life (Matthew 6.)


#3. Personal Ministry.  We are challenging all members of HFWC to practice evangelism outside of the church.  We are asking them to invest in the lives of people who are not followers of Christ, then invite them to church.  We strongly believe that if a relationship is developed and if that person sees Jesus lived out before them in the lives of those they know and love, we stand a much better opportunity of getting them to hear the Word of God, experience His love, and most importantly receive salvation. 


This is the Vision of HFWC.  We have restructured our thinking around these three simple disciplines, that any follower of Christ can do, and we are believing God for a greater harvest than ever before!

Our Vision

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